Trainee in Fullstack Web Development @ writeaguide (Jun 2019 - Oct 2019)
Cloud-based application (SaaS) for smart knowledge management.
๐งช PHP, Laravel & Bootstrap 4
Increased productivity of freelancers by developed an automatic time tracking application.
๐งช Django, PostgreSQL & Bootstrap 4
Job platform which simplilfies the process of finding qualified developers and qualified companies.
๐งช React, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, API & React Bootstrap
Improved version of the feedback system of Ironhack by surveyed +40 students.
๐งช NodeJS, Express, MongoDB & HBS
JS, Jest, ReactJS, VueJS, NodeJS, Laravel, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Git & Github
Connector, friendly & caring
Mediator, mentoring & teaching
German (native), English (B2) & Turkish (A2)
Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp @ Ironhack (Aug 2020 - Oct 2020)
๐งช HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, Express, React & NodeJS
B.Sc. Business Informatics @ HTW Berlin (Aug 2016 - Apr 2020)
๐งช Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP & Android Studio